Empower your
True Nature

Transform Your Life

Welcome to my personal transformation videos. These videos are about topics including self-esteem, videos about building confidence, videos about self-worth and personal value, videos about personal power and authentic empowerment and videos about self-love and learning to relate to yourself with a deeper level of love and compassion. My intention is to provide helpful ideas that also uplift and inspire you.

Personal Transformation Videos

What happens in Empower the Authentic You?

What happens in Empower the Authentic You?

Empower the Authentic You nine week group coaching journey taught live by Donna Bond is a masterclass about harnessing the power of your spirit and folding that into your life

Dropping the Judgment Around Struggle

Dropping the Judgment Around Struggle

The more you resist – the more things persist. What would it mean to drop the judgment around struggle? I mean judgment because we have a tendency to make struggle

Normal People Collect Shoes with Donna Bond

Different people collect different things. Some people collect shoes, money, books, jewelry, antique furniture. I have a little bit of a strange collection. Watch the video to check it out

Empower the Authentic You with Donna Bond

Empower the Authentic You with Donna Bond

Love is a verb.It’s time to take action.It’s never too late to start reimagining your life. You’re feeling exhausted and uncertain. You’re questioning your position and your purpose. You’re unfulfilled.