Empower your
True Nature

Transform Your Life

Welcome to my conscious living blog. These are my writings, musings, stories and stuff inspiring you to live a life you love. This is where I practice using my voice and speaking what’s true for me. If it resonates, that’s great. If it doesn’t, that’s okay too. My intention is to inspire you! Because I believe in Magic, I’ve chosen to use the wonderous, wisdom filled imagery from the oil paintings of Paul Bond. Enjoy!

Personal Transformation Blog

McKena's Bittersweet Departure from the Island of Happiness, painting of a little girl with circus animals

What Is Your Focus On?

Where your attention goes, energy flows. What you focus on attracts what your focus is on. Like attracts like. The universal law of attraction is always working. It works just

Flight of the Muse, painting of a woman wearing a carnival mask and costume in a flying boat, painting with flying turtles and seagull birds leading the way

Who You Are, Is Not What You Do

Who you are, is not what you do. Did you ever notice that when you meet someone for the first time, one of the first things we ask the other

Sanctuary, painting of a eucalyptus tree as a woman, painting of a woman wearing a tree bark dress holding a eucalyptus tree branch surrounded by ocean waves and clouds

Journey To You Are Enough

On our journey of transformation we have the chance to experience an important realization, that we are enough. We spend so much time and energy trying to please so many

Mostly Sunny, painting of woman balancing with doves on stacked rocks

Dream It Up

What would you love to create in your life? This little talk (it’s about an hour) is the pre-cursor to Mary Morrissey’s Dreambuilder Course that I teach. Mary is an