What would you love to create in your life?
This little talk (it’s about an hour) is the pre-cursor to Mary Morrissey’s Dreambuilder Course that I teach. Mary is an inspirational teacher who has been speaking and teaching Spiritual truths for more than forty years. She is my mentor and I am so proud to be able to teach her program. This material resonated deeply with me when I encountered it because I realized I had been a Dreambuilder my entire life. I just didn’t know there was actually a formula to it! Now I do and not only has that knowledge changed my life personally, it’s the perfect information for me to begin sharing with you. If you are seeking the Spiritual path, whether you are just starting out or you are far along your journey – I promise you will LOVE this technology. Learning how to Dreambuild is a life long skill set.
We are always wanting more. To be a bigger, larger, more expansive version of ourselves. Life is seeking to express itself through us. For that to happen, we must constantly grow and expand. Dreambuilding equips you with the tools you need to manifest anything you desire into your physical world reality. If you are interested in learning the skillset to Dreambuilding and bringing forward what you would love to create in your life, please email me at donna@donnabond.com or visit the Events page here to find out which class works for you.
What do you want to create in your life?
Dream It Up!