Tools For Peace

Oceana, painting of the ocean with a Spiritual figure forming from sunlight

Image used with permission from Oceana by Paul Bond Fine Art

Shanti to Support Your Meditation Practice

As a Spiritual life coach my clients ask me frequently, “In the midst of chaos, what is a tool I can use to bring more peace, harmony and tranquility into my life”. My response is always the same. Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.

The importance I place on meditation and bringing oneself into harmonic resonance became heightened for me when I had a prophetic dream about breast cancer that was growing in my chest. My daily meditation practice is not to be messed with.

My life coaching clients always protest, “I don’t have the time” or “I can’t calm down my mind enough to relax into a meditation” Yes, that is why it’s called a meditation practice. And, there are tools out there to support you in relaxing onto the path of peace and tranquility.

One of the tools I love that I want to share about today is The Shanti Bowl.

Ringing the side of this luscious Tibetan singing bowl emit a beautiful and balanced note of B which resonates most strongly with the crown chakra and almost instantly brings one into balance and harmony. Ringing the bowl and merging with its vibration actually balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and creates coherence. When our mind is balanced, it brings our body and our Spirit into balance.
The name of this bowl reminds me of Madonna’s song Shanti – which literally means Peace in Sanskrit. I can hear the lyrics in my head “Om Shanti, Om Shanti Shanti shanti Shantay Om” Om Shanti meaning peace for all human kind, all living Beings, peace for the universe. Shantay means weaving a magical spell. So, I think about my new Shanti Bowl and the peace it rings out into my mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual body and I think of it as casting a spell in my world and out into the greater world of humanity as I radiate peace wherever I go as I call myself into balance.

This Shanti Bowl is a lovely tool to help one ground into a place of peace to support a regular meditation practice. And, a regular meditation practice is a wonderful practice to cultivate peace.

As a professional life and business coach I consider it my job to be balanced and peaceful to be able to hold a loving space for my life coaching clients. My meditation practice is a foundational part of my life because it supports me in the work that I do as an intuitive life coach using Spiritual Psychology.

What I also love especially about my new Shanti Bowl is it’s elegance and beauty. It’s hand carved and just holding it one can sense into it’s mystery and ancient healing powers. The mallet is solid, wood carved and heavy. I am learning to make my new bowl sing, which I recognize as a skill one must cultivate. Yet, in the meantime, I am happy to chime the side of my Shanti Bowl and allow its vibration to ring through all my levels, into my physical body and through my emotional, mental and Spiritual bodies for peace and tranquility for all.

If you would like further guidance on how to meditate or create a daily spiritual practice – even if you’re not Spiritual – check out this post. To get yourself balanced and on your way – ring a little peace into your sweet self with a Shanti Bowl. For deeper levels of Whole Being Balance, explore working with a life coach!