Empower your
True Nature

Transform Your Life

Welcome to my blog. It’s designed to align your life with the wisdom and power of your Soul. These are my writings, musings, stories and stuff inspiring you to connect more deeply to the Highest part of your Being. Your Soul is trying to get your attention! If you want to get unstuck, move your life forward, change your career, find the love of your life – you must connect with your Soul. It has such beauty, guidance, wisdom, and direction for you. Because I believe in Magic, I’ve chosen to use the wonderous, wisdom filled imagery from the oil paintings of Paul Bond. Enjoy!

Personal Transformation Blog

Flight of the Muse, painting of a woman wearing a carnival mask and costume in a flying boat, painting with flying turtles and seagull birds leading the way

Today Is Where Your Book Begins

Today Is Where Your Book Begins Trusting the Universe Without a Plan Several months ago I experienced a major trust walk in my life, when I showed up for a

The Girl Who Circumnavigated the World in a Dream of Her Own Making, painting of a girl floating up to the sky with a pink paper umbrella

All In – Choosing To Change Our Beliefs

Choosing To Change Our Belief Systems Our belief systems are engraied in us from the time we are small children, choosing to change our beliefs is not always easy. Sometimes,

The Compassionate Gardener, painting of a monk raking a tree stump

Three Key Elements To A Fulfilled Life

Once a week my husband puts on the same song, Claudio Monteverdi’s Zefiro Torna, and plays it through the stereo’s outdoor speakers. This is his announcement to the plants that

A Delicate Perch, painting of a red bird perched atop stacked stones with ladders built out of twigs and flowers on a hillside

What Is Professional Coaching?

One Coach’s Perspective Professional coaching is a deep personal conversation that takes place within the context of a professional relationship. It is an ongoing conversation about the vision for your

A Hymn to the Summer of My Long Ago, art wtih painting of a tree and tree swing perched on top of stacked stones on the beach with a ladder

Benefits Of Professional Coaching

Live An Extraordinary Thriving Life With The Benefits Of Professional Coaching Creating Thriving Human Capital Consider the benefits of professional coaching as the support system for an extraordinary thriving life.

Ode to a Zen Koan, painting of a Japanese temple sitting on top of stacked stones

Slow Down And Discover Your Life

Slow Down Discover Your Life Slow down? Not in my plan. Slowing down wasn’t something that I thought was okay. It wasn’t in my realm. Slow down to discover my

An Allegory on the Illusion of Time, painting of a woman standing on rocks with white tiger and blue butterflies in the ocean

Acknowledging The Call Within

Acknowledging The Call From Your Soul Be The Architect Of Your Life Acknowleding the call within is about the global call for Spiritual transformation. A call that comes from within

On the Transmigration of Souls, painting of a woman transforming into a deer floating with bubbles and birds

Embrace You

2017 is a One Year in Numerology As we reflect over the last year looking at our many blessings, our accomplishments, our experiences of growth and our learnings, we acknowledge

The Girl Who Married a Cloud, painting of a woman wearing a white wedding dress in row boat

Taking The Journey In

In times of turmoil and confusion when everyone is looking outside of themselves for answers, the best and most beneficial thing we can do for ourselves is to look within.

The Star Hanger, painting of a steam punk girl floating in night sky holding star

For The Highest Good Of All?

Trump as Divine Intervention I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. As I’ve matured in this notion it has deepened in my knowing that the universe is

Mandy and the Familiar, painting of a redheaded woman in the snow

The Eye-Opening Point Of Life

Replay or Reinvent? Another Monday. People everywhere are beginning their week by hitting the replay button from the previous week. We are rolling quickly into the holidays as the Costco

Happiness By Design, painting of five stacked stone cairns in the ocean

The Values Of Your Life

What are the values that guide your life?   By having a clear understanding of our values we can gain great clarity on the decisions we make in our lives.