The Miracle Within You Podcast: Author of Original Wisdom

The Miracle Within You Podcast: Author of Original Wisdom

SUBJ: How I didn’t win a Mac Book Pro

The conclusions we draw on the surface are not always the truth of what is really unfolding.

Howard’s presence invites out the Miracle Within You, literally. He did that for me as his questioning (but really his very present PRESENCE) cracked me open and the tears streamed out as I share my heart and the profound awarenesses I had on the night of the fateful apple dessert that WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT!

The knowing that YOU and ME and every single Being on this planet (yes, it’s true) is a divine Being doing their best to make their journey through this crazy human adventure. You may be struggling right now, or in emotional or physical pain. You may be feeling frustrated or angry or feel like giving up. I invite you to give this a listen. Howard has something going on. Energetically I mean.

We explore how logic and rationality are overrated. Howard and I get into a deep exploratory conversation about the wisdom that lives beyond the human experience. Listen to Howard’s genius as he deciphers the characteristics of a new world of AI and how this is different than real wisdom.

I share a heart-opened awareness of the truth I had always known, but I just wasn’t willing to look in my own life, afraid to get out of my comfort zone, until the universe was literally pushing me.

We always know. Inside we always know. We may not be ready to look, and that is totally okay, but we always know. How is the universe gently pushing you right now??

I hope you enjoy the beautiful conversation with the brilliant Howard Rankin, Ph.D. I am honored to be a guest on his show.

With Love and Light,


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Donna Bond, M.A. is an Ignitor of Light, a spiritual life coach, author, and thought leader. Her mission is to empower your Highest Self on your epic human adventure. After a 28-year long run as a successful corporate marketing executive who “had it all”, she got a master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. Donna supports clients to live with reverence by activating their entelechy – their fullest realized expression through one to one coaching, online group classes, and women’s retreats.

You can learn more about her transformative 1:1 coaching, group classes, and workshops at