We Help the Whole By Doing Our Own Work – Healing on Behalf of the Collective

This is a video that I initially shared only with my USM community but as I get more courageous in sharing my own process, it feels necessary to share my vulnerability in this powerful share. My intension is to inspire you to do your own inner work. By doing our own inner work, we help the world evolve, one person at a time.

In this video, I share my own personal process around a profound revelation I had and the higher awareness that I was flooded with that when we heal an issue inside of ourselves, we are healing it on behalf of the collective. This is why every act of self-healing, self-compassion, self-love matters.

It is possible to free ourselves of our suffering. It is possible to be in the flow, to love the life you’re living, to accept and honor yourself and all the parts of this crazy human experience.

If you are on a path of spiritual awakening and you’re ready to move forward towards your own growth and inner healing, I want to invite you to learn more about Higher Human Integration.™

Higher Human Integration™ method is the full embrace of both your Higher Self and Your Human Self. It’s the recognition that you are a spiritual Being making an epic human journey. It’s an uplifted way to relate to yourself and your world with more intention and from a higher consciousness.

To learn more visit higherhumanintegration.com

Donna Bond, M.A. – The Executive’s Spiritual Coach
Bestselling Author | Modern Day High Priestess | Healer | Soul Centered Catalyst for Personal Transformation | Founder, Consciousness Rising, Inc.

At the top of her corporate game, Donna woke up unfulfilled. She courageously reinvented her life, earning a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology.

Now, Donna’s mission is to remind women of their authentic power and support individuals in aligning with the wisdom of their soul. Through her transformative books, courses, and coaching programs, she empowers people to break free of self-imposed limitations and live their higher purpose.

Join Donna on her journey of awakening consciousness and personal transformation.
