What Is Your Focus On?

McKena's Bittersweet Departure from the Island of Happiness, painting of a little girl with circus animals

Image used with permission from McKena's Bittersweet Departure From The Island Of Happiness by Paul Bond Fine Art

What Is Your Focus On?

Where your attention goes, energy flows. What you focus on attracts what your focus is on. Like attracts like. The universal Law of Attraction is always working. It works just like the law of gravity or the law of electricity. It works in tandem with our focus and when our focus is on the wrong stuff, that is what we are bringing into our awareness – we don’t even realize it. I’ll give you an example. Last summer half of my husband’s lights blew out on his art booth. (He is an oil painter www.paulbondart.com) So, for about thirty minutes he fiddled with the lights, changed the bulbs, tinkered around and even, called the engineering department. But, it seemed that no matter what he did, he couldn’t get the light to come back on to illuminate his art.

Shift Your Focus

I tried a little experiment with him. I said, “Let’s focus on the lights that do work. Let’s look at their illumination and how beautifully they light up the art.” So for about five minutes we paid attention to the lights on the booth that did work. We totally shifted our focus off of the lights that did not work. We admired the working lights, we felt gratitude for them, and we really recognized how beautifully they were making the art look. We appreciated them.

Literally within five minutes – LIGHT came back on through the lamps that were not working! Coincidence? I don’t think so, but I guess you can think what you want. Even the engineering guy was stumped. He just shrugged his shoulders, got off his ladder, looked at us and said, “I don’t know”.

When we want to manifest something into our life we must focus on what it is we are trying to attract. People get confused and they start thinking “I want more money…I want more money….I want more money” And what do they get? They get THE WANTING OF MORE MONEY” Rather than focusing on the money they have with love and gratitude and appreciation, with abundance and ease and trust. Yes, this is hard when we find ourselves in a pinch and it’s easy to get caught up in fear. (Especially around fear) But then, fear attracts fear.

Law of Attraction

This is a powerful concept in the Law of Attraction. In order to get rid of the cold we need to focus on the heat. In order to get rid of the dark, focus on the light. Fear needs to be replaced with ideas of faith. Thoughts of illness need to be replaced with thoughts of health. Replace the thoughts that are weeds choking out whatever it is you are trying to grow and those weeds are going to naturally die by themselves. You can never stop thinking. You can only direct your thinking. It’s impossible to make it stop. Trust me, I have tried. Interrupt the negative thoughts and replace them with imagination of what you do want. Stop being fixated on the negative aspects of what you don’t want. What are you placing your focus on?

“As a transformational difference maker, I am passionate about inspiring people to take the inward journey. I help people decide from their heart, what brings them total joy and then teach them how to dream it up into physical world reality. My personal mission is raising the vibration on the planet, one soul at a time”
—Donna Bond

When you are ready to say yes to yourself and to creating a life you love, get into a conversation with me where we explore what is happening in your life. Together we will explore what is happening in your current reality, what do you want to be happening and what is standing in the way of that. To book your session, APPLY HERE.