Costa Rica Retreat
To Your Essential Nature
Align with Your Soul – Live an Epic Adventure

April 6-11, 2025

Connect To Your Sweet Self

Does life feel out of balance? Do things look okay on the outside, but you feel like something is missing on the inside? Is everyday Groundhog Day?

Maybe the world changed and you want to feel more alive. You just want to be happy – deep inside yourself, regardless of how crazy the world gets.

Perhaps you feel stuck searching for something different. But you’re not even sure what it is you want. It’s overwhelming. Frustrating. Scary. This is a sign of your turning point. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re not broken. You might just be disconnected.

If you are longing for something deeper, for more enrichment, for more aliveness, I invite you to come.

Connect Your Soul

Summon Your Joy, purpose and vitality

For The Woman Who

  • Crossed their ‘goal-line’ but feels something stronger tugging in the distance
  • Is walking the path of personal growth, self-awareness and feminine leadership
  • Is here to make a difference in the world
  • Looking for healthy relationships that reflect true partnership
  • Is unapologetically ready, to be more of her divine, powerful self
  • Ready to embody more energy, aliveness and enthusiasm for life
  • Wants her essential nature to radiate authentically out into the world

Adventure with us in 2025

Through The Week You'll...

  • Let go of the “doing” and discover new Ways of Being
  • Identify patterns that prevent you from getting what you want
  • Gain clarity on your life intentions, and what really matters to you
  • Become less critical and judgmental of yourself and everyone else
  • Allow your heart to open to connect and share with other women in a loving, safe and confidential space
  • Relax into guided processes and feel deeply heard and truly seen
  • Move into a deep level of compassion and radical acceptance for all the parts of your sweet self
  • Learn self-honoring practices and Ways of Being that align your higher and human self
  • Receive personal coaching from Donna while being supported in a like-minded community of women
  • Strengthen your Trust in yourself and your higher power

What if you stopped questioning yourself and no longer lived according to everyone else's plan?

I Need To Ask

What if you could figure out what makes you feel most alive and start trusting yourself at the deepest level? What if you could discover what really matters to you? What if you could stop all the “doing” that keeps you trapped in a loop? If you could learn how to let go of self-doubt, self-betrayal and self-sabotage and discover a new way to Be? What if you could meet all the parts of yourself with love and compassion and really begin honoring your sweet self?

If you’re ready to shine your true light, to let go of old identities and old patterns, to emerge with a new level of confidence and a deep level of inner knowing, consider coming. If you’re ready to connect to yourself with love, acceptance, compassion and learn how to honor your sweet self, come.

You are worth it.

Discover A Deeper Connection

through This Experience connect With Nature, Each Other and Yourself.

Connect To Nature

Be awe inspired with natural world beauty. Slow down. Breathe. Wander… Wonder… Unfold.

Connect to Each Other

Be captivated with the mysteries of each other’s lives. See and be seen. Share and story-tell. Celebrate in ceremony. Courageously, show up, with emotional honesty. Feel supported in your challenges. Come into full awareness that you are not alone.

Connect with Yourself

Disconnect from the outside world. Allow Mindfulness | Kindness | Courage | Silence. Exploration of new Ways of Being. Hold space for what wants to be revealed in you.

Connect with Sense of Place

Immerse yourself in Costa Rica. The Language, Culture, People, Environment. Become the sights, scents, sounds and tastes.

Listen to the whispers of your heart and embody the call of your Spirit.

The Experience

Connect To The Power Of Your Essential Nature

As a participant in Connect To Your Essential Nature, over five days you will connect with like-minded women and

  • Connect, share and laugh with your new sisters

  • Practice deeply transformative experiential activities

  • Be guided toward your own answers to life’s questions

  • Experience emotional and healing breakthroughs

  • Bring awareness and understanding to life’s mysteries

  • Learn transformational tools you will use for a lifetime

  • Discover and align with your Soul’s purpose

  • Relax and restore with sacred quality time for yourself

The All-Inclusive Details

Register Now To Attend Our Next Retreat.

It will be my honor to welcome you to the jungle. To invite you to come home to yourself.

“The Costa Rica retreat experience helped reset me and bring me back to me, but even better.  The memories and experience will stay with me a lifetime.”

Kristin W.

I gave myself the gift of a lifetime I spent 5 days on an all-inclusive journey of self-reflection and empowerment. Everything I put into the adventure was returned to me ten-fold.”

Danielle S.

“Donna is a super skilled facilitator and it was great to see the strides that people make personally within one short week. Accommodations were lovely, food great and activities and experiences are super powered. Even when you don’t know why or how an exercise works, you go with it and you learn.”

Robin T.

“For the first time in several decades I was able to be the joyful Alla, the “silly”, playful, whimsical girl. I am eternally grateful to Donna and the ladies for creating the environment where I felt safe and welcomed to be myself. I also had the greatest revelation of my heart. Everything is just part of the journey.

Alla Z.

A once in a lifetime experience! A great investment. I learned so much about myself in such a short time and had a major shift. This was just what I needed right now. The universe is truly amazing!”

Stephanie C.

“Listen, I just went on this Costa Rica retreat with DONNA BOND and you have to go! It’s an experience like no other. You will get to see yourself in a whole new light. It can be life changing! Donna provides a luxury experience while guiding you through seeing the light within.”

Amber N.

With Love From Donna

I see your Light and I know how much you want to express your true essential nature out in the world. I see the part of you that is made of Love. It’s your courage that brings that love to light, to the world. I know you feel let down by life. Like it’s all on you. That it’s not going according to plan. I get it. And, I see the possibility for you. The potential to release the old patterns holding you back, so you can feel alive, confident, empowered and living on purpose.

I want you to see what I see. Your beauty. Your strength. Your resilience. I want you to know, you are way more powerful than you’ve been pretending to be. Maybe you do. Maybe you know that you can connect with your soul and honor your human self. You can release the exhaustion, self doubt and stories of not enough-ness and learn to love your sweet self unconditionally. You will find clarity around your purpose. You will stop investing your precious life-force energy doing things that don’t light you up. You will take risks and pursue the dreams of your heart.

Deep down, maybe you’re afraid you’ll never experience your full potential, and you and this life will always be just “okay” but never magical, meaningful, amazing and loving. I invite you to change that limiting view. Come connect to your essential nature. Join us in the jungle. Experience the true freedom and aliveness in finding your inner truth and bringing it to your outer experience – connect your head and your heart – connect your mind, body and Soul. Connect all of you. Come connect in the jungle.