In a world where most of us grew up measuring ourselves against someone or something else and living in an environment where one continually feels “I am not enough”, I have experienced the blessed privilege of learning that there is actually a miracle that takes place in Acceptance.
I’ve just completed a six-month mastermind with Dr. Robert Holden, Ph.D. Robert teaches that “No amount of self-improvement can make up for a lack of self-acceptance.” Through this beautiful mastermind journey called Love Centered Coaching, I embarked on the voyage believing I would come away from this experience being a more loving coach.
We explored many perspectives on healing and what heals and how we heal and Robert so brilliantly suggests that when we Lightworkers see ourselves as “healers” – people will always show up sick. When we see our role’s as coaches as “fixers”, people will always appear broken.
Yet, when we can Love people instead of healing or fixing them, the miracles really do take place.
As I conclude this six-month inquiry on Love, what I realize at the deepest level is my ability to love anyone else is predicated first on my willingness to love myself. Loving myself means loving all of me. The good, the bad, the ugly and like I say to my clients, the super wicked ugly. (I’m from Connecticut, where wicked is a really popular verb).
How do we begin loving ourselves?
I learned that my self-image is actually incapable of loving all the messy parts that I don’t even want to look at. It’s incapable because it’s mired in judgment, wants to appear perfect and quite frankly wouldn’t know how to love all of me if it tried.
But Love knows how.
The Most Important Person In Your Life Experience Is YOU!
Dr. Holden suggests, “Love is intelligent” and as a student in this six-month inquiry on love, I allowed love to lead the way, to guide and inform me. I let love be my teacher. And in that, I met Love and more importantly, I let love meet me. Love just melts away of the judgment’s the learned self (aka our ego) carries around everywhere it goes. Judgments are powerless when they are met with Love’s presence.
My Soul (and yours and everyone’s for that matter) is comprised of the energy of love.
I have this image of my Soul, higher self, my Authentic Self, the wisdom filled part of me that exists beyond space and time in a limitless Spiritual energy of love to gently, gracefully and miraculously merge its sweetness with my human self, the learned part of me, comprised of the physical, mental and emotional part of me.
As these two parts intersect, in my mind’s eye, I see the vesica piscis. Mathematically, according to Wikipedia, the vesica piscis is a type of lens, a mathematical shape formed by the intersection of two disks with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each disk lies on the perimeter of the other. In my inner vision, I see the intersection vertically. One circle representing the Higher Self and the other circle representing the Human Self. The intersection in the middle representing meeting yourself with love.
Meeting Yourself With Love, Is Loving All Of You.
Loving all of you brings us back to this idea of acceptance. Instead of dumbing ourselves down, reinforcing how we continually make ourselves wrong and then punish ourselves for it or living our lives on this constant quest to be good enough, what if we met it all with acceptance?
What if we saw it all as an expression of the Divine?
This brings us back to judgment. Or removing judgment I should say. When we can see with the eyes of love, there is no need for judgment. Everything just is. It is what it is. It’s not good or bad or right or wrong. It’s not black or white or up or down. Love removes the judgment in polarity and ushers in oneness through acceptance.
The truth is that energetically, we are all one. Everything is energy just expressed in different forms. (Pretty sure Einstein said this and quantum physics proved it) So, if we are really all One, and everything is connected then, I am you and you are me.
The path to Oneness can only be paved with love. It’s the only real, true, essence that can guide us to this place. If all of humanity is on the hero’s journey and our destiny is Oneness, the path to get there can only be the path of love.
Here’s where I get to quote Michael Jackson. “I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways……And no message could have been any clearer, If you want to make the world a better place……Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.
Meeting Myself With Love
Seeing the connection in all things,
Is the revelation.
I am you,
And you are me.
On the Hero’s journey,
All of humanity,
As our destiny.
Fated is the path to Oneness,
With Only Love
Meeting me,
Emerging through me,
As me.
When I acknowledge the
Loving Quality of my true presence,
Accepting all of me,
Giving permission
To Be me,
As the Love that I am,
I mirror all of me
Back to you.
Closing the loop in the
To All That Is.
© Donna Bond