Raising Your Consciousness To Transform Your Life

The Delicate Countenance of Fibonacci’s Eldest Daughter, art with Fibonacci spiral, golden spiral

Image used with permission from The Delicate Countenance Of Fibonacci's Eldest Daughter by Paul Bond Fine Art

Simon Sinek taught us it’s not what you do, it’s why you do it. Consciousness Rising is why I do what I do. It also happens to be the name of our company.

The intention with the work we do at Consciousness Rising, Inc is to empower your true nature to raise the consciousness on the planet. We do that by supporting people in their evolution in experiencing a life filled with joy, happiness, fulfillment, freedom, purpose, and expansiveness. These are the qualities of your Authentic Self, which are naturally present at a higher level of consciousness.

Through the process of transformation coaching one’s consciousness rises as the result of seeing life from a higher perspective. It is through transforming our inner awareness that the reflection of our outer world then begins to mirror back greater love, joy, peace, aliveness, fulfillment, and feelings of being on-purpose. If everyone on the planet rose to this uplifted state of being, our world would be a much different place.

I am eternally grateful to my teachers, Dr’s Ron and Mary Hulnick, and their innovative and pioneering program in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica for paving the way for the rising of my own consciousness and inner awareness. It is through the transformation and rising of my consciousness that today I experience personal revelations of profound freedom, deep fulfillment, and incredible joy in my everyday life. It is also because of them, I am now able to assist others in doing the same.

Raising Your Consciousness With A New Perspective

Raising your consciousness gives you new perspective. It reveals the gift of experiencing your life from the Soul’s perspective. And from the Soul’s perspective, you are pure consciousness. That consciousness that energy is the same vibrational frequency as pure Divine love. Essentially, we assist you in experiencing the love that you are.

Dr. David Hawkins created the Map of Consciousness, which depicts a scale of emotions and their vibratory frequency level. Hawkins proved through kinesiology that all our emotions vibrate at a particular frequency. In his book Letting Go he explains emotions of shame, guilt, and hate are lower energies and fall at the bottom of this scale. Whereas emotions of love, joy and peace have a higher resonance and vibrate at a higher rate on the scale.

When you are experiencing either lower frequency emotions such as grief and fear or higher ones of peace, joy, love, and gratitude, you are also activating the frequency of those emotions by giving them energy. Because the law of attraction is always operating – and is as real as gravity – those activated frequencies naturally draw experiences into our lives that are similar in vibration to the emotions resonating within us.

We are only able to experience and witness the divine love within ourselves and in the world around us by residing in these higher frequencies. We do so in raising our consciousness equal to that of love or above, as explained by Christie Marie Sheldon. From that place, we are then able to see the love reflected back to us in our lives. And then we are we able to see our magnificence and the unlimited possibilities available to us in our lives.

The incentive to work with a transformation coach can shift your perspective, experience emotional healing, to see things differently, to raise your consciousness, to allow yourself to rise up the emotional scale so you can experience higher frequency emotions and life experiences that reflect that. The Dr’s Hulnick describes it as “removing the blocks that keep us from knowing ourselves as love”. When we remove those blocks, only then do we reside in the natural state of our authentic self. This is when we begin to access the emotions at the top of the scale and to attract higher vibrational experiences into our lives.

If you are interested in learning more about what a transformational journey could look like for you, I invite you to experience a 90-minute complimentary discovery session with me. This is where we explore together where you are currently in your life, where you’d like to be and what are the things standing in your way. If this resonates, you can secure a session HERE.