10 Simple Steps, Manifest The Year Ahead

A Hymn to the Summer of My Long Ago, art wtih painting of a tree and tree swing perched on top of stacked stones on the beach with a ladder

Image used with permission from A Hymn To The Summer Of My Long Ago by Paul Bond Fine Art

Manifest The Year Ahead

I would like to share my insights to my own personal success as it pertains to simple steps to manifest. First off, I believe this works because I am living proof of using this magic formula in my own life and second, when we can create on a quantum level, we are literally moving molecules. To manifest is to shape energy. We live in a damn HOLOGRAM! We are powerful creators beyond our knowing. If we can simply approach our lives believing that IT IS POSSIBLE, we are already half way there. Harnessing the energy that exists in the quantum field is the quantum mechanics that proves our thoughts really do create our reality.

When I was sixteen I had a poster on the wall in my bedroom with the most elegant ballerina standing on point with a caption that read “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it.” by William Arthur Ward. This quote has resonated with me for more than three decades.

Manifest the Year Ahead with Donna Bond, Life Coach

There are a lot of formulas out there for manifestation. Mine has been a weaving together of many different processes and has worked for me. What people often don’t realize is that the majority of the work is IN THE VISION. It’s in the IMAGINATION of what you want to create. If we can get clear about what it is we want to bring forward, the universe will immediately go to work on moving heaven and earth to assist you in your endeavor.

Its easy to get lost in the “how”, but that part is really not our job. Our job is the vision. Our job is to bring clarity and inner alignment to WHAT we want to experience and then to LET IT GO wiht no attachment, believing that what the universe will bring us is for our highest good. And, knowing that the universe is far more resourceful, creative and magnificent than our local minds. Believing that what will come to us will be far better than anything we could have imagined is part of a beautiful manifestation.

So here goes:

Create space for this. Clear your schedule – be comfortable in a place that you can get some time to yourself.

Center yourself. Sit quiet. Focus on your heart. Pull your energy inward, call it to you. Bring it back from wherever it might be out circulating. Be Here Now.

Using a pen and paper (not a keyboard) handwrite your first sentence that starts with, “I am so happy and grateful now that I………..” (and then you fill in the blank with what you want to create).

Handwrite the vision in the first person, in the present tense as if it’s already happening.

Begin with “I AM”

Begin each sentence with “I AM” – when you embody the “I AM” you are communicating with the universe and activating the law of attraction.Use words that are expansive, rather than contracting. Use language that speaks to what you DO want, rather than what you DO NOT want. For example an Expansive Example can look like: I am so happy and grateful now that I am at my ideal weight. And a Contracting Example: I am so happy and grateful that I am not gaining weight.

Work your joy and gratitude into each sentence. How are you going to feel when this is actually happening? Get excited as you write. Describe all of your senses in your vision. What does it look like, feel like, smell like, taste like, sound like and intuit like? Five sensorizing our vision is a key ingrediant in bringing it to life.

Read it out loud once a day. Feel it as its coming closer into your experience. Get excited about it.

**Take one little tiny step, every single day, in the direction of bringing this forward in your life.

Get Set Up For Success

  • It’s got to be 50% believable within the context of your life.
  • It’s got to be a progression that makes sense in your life. (For example, if your vision is to build an entire city, you would need to first start with a single building)
  • You must take action in the direction of this vision. (We can’t just Dream It Up and then sit on the couch….)
  • On the top or the bottom of your Vision Statement write the words “This or Something Better for the Highest Good of All Concerned”


If you take the time to create a Vision of your Life, I would be happy to review this with you in a complimentary discovery session with me. When you are ready to say yes to yourself and to creating a life you love, get into a conversation with me where we explore what is happening in your life. Together we will explore what is happening in your current reality, what do you want to be happening and what is standing in the way of that. To book your session, APPLY HERE.