#96 From a Corporate Job to The Rainforest of Costa Rica, Donna Bond’s journey to truth

#96 From a Corporate Job to The Rainforest of Costa Rica, Donna Bond’s journey to truth

In this episode of the Beautiful Soul-Led podcast, I have a gorgeous conversation with Donna Bond. She shares her journey of living a soul-led life and the importance of connecting with our highest selves.

You’ll hear in Donna’s own words her inspiring journey from corporate America to a fulfilling life in the Costa Rican rainforest, as she emphasizes the power of surrender and the importance of following one’s soul’s guidance.

Donna discusses her upcoming book, which focuses on accessing our original wisdom and living from a place of unconditional love. We explore the integration of the physical and spiritual realms and the importance of allowing abundance and material desires into our lives.

If you would like to join myself and other women from around the world inside of Le Club, it has now started! This will be a journey like no other, and you can enroll NOW at www.elegantfemme.com/LeClub

As you may have heard, we’ve launched a mini-program called Amour. In this beautiful program, I share with you how to truly embody your femininity in relationships so you can receive the deepest level of love possible, whether you are in a relationship with a partner or not, and you can enroll now at www.elegantfemme.com/amour.

Is there something in this conversation with Donna that inspires your soul? We’d love to hear about it, so send us a DM on Instagram, @donnabondcoach, @taraannmarino, or at our new account, @elegantfemme.ef.

Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us, info@elegantfemme.com, and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast!

0:00 Start
4:37 The amazing story of how the Universe went to great lengths to unfold this path before Donna
7:03 Why she says that being on the leading edge of your own work is so powerful
10:24 A behavioral challenge Donna has faced and the way that she is working to overcome it
13:00 Donna’s insights on honoring life’s contrasts and the big lessons she’s learned from being in Costa Rica
17:42 Her advice to not get caught up in the resistance of the contrast
20:18 Even more things that Donna has discovered on her own path of awakening
25:26 What happens when you allow yourself to let go of the guilt of desiring beautiful things in your life