The Knowledge Barrier: When ‘I Know’ Becomes ‘I Can’t Grow”
Have you ever noticed yourself saying ‘I know that already’ when someone offers advice? That’s what I call ‘The Knowledge Barrier’ – it’s when our existing knowledge actually becomes the thing that blocks us from growing or receiving help. It’s like having a full cup that can’t receive any more water.
The Knowledge Barrier conveys how intellectual knowledge can become a wall that blocks experiential learning and also how the self-imposed nature of the obstacle is the blocking effect to progress or forward motion.
We think we’re alone in the world and no one will help us. We’re angry about this and stuck in victim thinking. Yet we have a stance that says “I know this, no one is going to tell me what to do” Then, when help is offered or extended the response is “I already know that.” This is “The knowledge Barrier”
In our fixation we pigeon hole ourselves because we can’t receive help unless we admit we need it and if we don’t permit ourselves to consider “we don’t know ” then we never position ourselves/open to receive it.
Therefore; we stay closed in our stubborn righteousness and it’s exactly this that prevents us from receiving the help we need.
There is also a big difference between “knowing” something intellectually because you read it in a book or took a class or listened to a podcast, compared to really “KNOWING” as in gnosis – as an experiential understanding of something.
We put up barriers of resistance to this because doing something different will
1) Require effort
2 Require humility
3) Require admitting we don’t know – which could feel shameful
A person who has read every relationship book but remains in difficult relationship patterns. When friends suggest therapy, they say “I can tell you exactly what the therapist would say.
Someone attends personal development workshops but doesn’t implement the tools. When asked why, they say “I already know all these concepts.
For self-reflection: “When I find myself stuck but resistant to input, I can ask: Am I hitting The Knowledge Barrier? Am I using what I already know as an excuse not to try something new or accept help?”
As a warning sign: “Watch out for phrases like ‘I already know that’ or ‘That’s nothing new’ – these are classic signs you might be up against The Knowledge Barrier.
For breaking through: “To move past The Knowledge Barrier, try not only adopting a beginner’s mind, but opening yourself to your Original Wisdom. This higher guidance is available from your non-physical, multidimensional, soul Self. Even if you’ve heard something before, open yourself to your Original Wisdom and say, “I am open to truly experiencing learning and growth through this Great universe, please show me how I can have an experience to learn from.”
Discover Empower The Authentic You – a transformative journey of spiritual empowerment designed to guide you in aligning with your inner wisdom and authentic power. Through profound self-connection, this program helps you move beyond struggle and self-doubt, allowing you to experience genuine joy, creativity, and resilience from within.
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