Letting Go of Fear of Failure and Having To Get It Right

The fear of failure and having to get it right can stop us from experiencing life to it’s fullest and holds us back from sharing our real and authentic expression, which is a big part of our life’s purpose.

In my California Women’s Retreat coming up in October, we will come together to unravel the conditioning that has held this fear grip in place and invite more fully our true authentic self to express freely without withholding.

If you’re feeling the call for this deep level of self-nurturing and you’re ready to heal tired patterns that are sabotaging your dreams and withholding your true self, please join me. www.loveyoursweetself.com

You can also book a clarity session at

Donna Bond, M.A., is the Executive’s Spiritual Coach, a modern-day High Priestess, Healer, and Soul-Centered Catalyst for Personal Transformation. After a successful 28-year corporate career, she reinvented herself and her life, earning a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and becoming a transformational coach. As the founder of Consciousness Rising, Inc. and creator of Higher Human Integration™, Donna’s mission is to support women to awaken to the power and wisdom of their soul. Through her bestselling books, spiritual retreats, transformative online programs, and spiritual psychology life-coaching, she empowers women to break free of self-imposed limitations and fulfill their higher purpose. For more information visit www.donnabond.com