Freeing My Paralyzed Expression is Part of My Sacred Soul Plan

Our Soul’s Curriculum, what I call your Sacred Soul Plan, is the learning journey we make throughout our life. It’s the stuff in life we get to GROW through to learn the lessons we came to this life to learn so we can deepen our inherent wisdom. Wisdom can only be gained through experience. Our Soul’s Curriculum has themes. Life is in charge of giving us the opportunities to learn and heal through these themes. One of my themes is about freeing my expression. Leave me a comment about one of your themes and if you’d like to learn more about your Sacred Soul Plan.


Donna Bond, M.A. – The Executive’s Spiritual Coach | Bestselling Author | Modern Day High Priestess | Healer | Soul Centered Catalyst for Personal Transformation | Founder, Consciousness Rising, Inc.

At the top of her corporate game, Donna woke up unfulfilled. She courageously reinvented her life, earning a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology.

Now, Donna’s mission is to remind women of their authentic power and support individuals in aligning with the wisdom of their soul. Through her transformative books, courses, and coaching programs, she empowers people to break free of self-imposed limitations and live their higher purpose.

Join Donna on her journey of awakening consciousness and personal transformation. For more information visit