My Mission and Core Values: Empowering Conscious Women

Image used with permission from Morpho by Paul Bond Fine Art

For the Conscious Women I Support

My highest mission is to remind women of who they really are, activating their sacred soul signature; awakening them into higher purpose and authentic power. 

The energy of the divine feminine is rising on the planet. My mission is to support women who are intentional about shaping the world they want to live in, cultivating higher levels of conscious awareness, self-compassion, and universal intelligence needed to participate in the great change that is underway.

The women I support are on a path of awakening ready to unlock their inherent power, access their original wisdom and align with their highest self. Together we can expand the ripples of rising consciousness on our planet at this time. I am the women executive’s spiritual coach.

Conscious women who are ready to challenge the status quo, work with me to shift; from discontent to joy, from frustration to freedom, from exhaustion to vitality.  From here they live their life on purpose while making a meaningful difference in the world.

Aligned with my mission, my clients are guided to trust their inner knowing at the deepest level so they can let go of unnecessary fear, evolve patterns of stress, and release the inner struggle of never enough. 

As a result, they are peaceful, present and empowered as they navigate the ever-changing dynamics of life.

Women find me when they’re at the top of their game – having exhausted their growth with executive coaches, grown their wealth and status, and can see clearly that ‘all this, isn’t all that’. They are looking life in the eye asking big questions like, “How come I still feel so unfulfilled? How can I make a more meaningful contribution? How can I be of service and use my influence to uplift humanity at this time?”

I am an excellent guide for a mid-life crisis, a spiritual awakening or a personal self-reinvention. A modern day high priestess, healer and teacher of spiritual transformation, I support women who are ready for spiritual empowerment. To release their protective mechanisms and fully integrate the fullness of their Highest Self, reclaiming their Original Wisdom.

Through my own intuitive gifts, life-altering transformational modalities, and firsthand experience of actually walking a conscious path of personal evolution; I guide my clients through Higher Human Integration™ The dynamic process of aligning and integrating their life with the power and wisdom of their Higher Self.

Inner leadership, grounded confidence, and courageous action are required attributes when it comes  to navigating our unpredictable and ever expanding world with more compassion, kindness and clear vision for what is possible.

My clients are most grateful for my intuitive guidance, gentle yet direct honesty, and unique ability to support them in transforming sabotaging patterns that keep their power hidden. They trust me as an experienced guide, a spiritual teacher, and a life-mastery mentor. My superpower is as a great un-locker and un-blocker.

I coach through the lens of spiritual psychology which is learning to see our lives through the lens of the Higher Self, teaching us that everything happening is a perfectly designed opportunity for our own personal growth, evolution and the steppingstones providing us the chance to reach our next level of potential.

Through my own intuitive gifts, transformational modalities, and firsthand experience of walking the conscious path of personal evolution; I guide my clients toward empowered inner leadership.

Twenty-eight years in the corporate sector combined with a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing and a guide for the Gene Keys equip me with a unique and multidimensional foundation on which I stand supporting women in the reclamation of the power and wisdom of their soul.

If you feel the inner call towards working together, be it a whisper or a shove, I offer a complimentary coaching conversation. We explore where you are in your life, where you want to be, and what challenges exist between those two points. We sit heart to heart and open to the wisdom of your soul’s guidance. Our highest intention is toward the reclamation of your True essence and how your original wisdom can play a more present role in your day to day life. Schedule a complimentary session HERE.

Donna has an incredible ability to create a safe, protected, supportive container that you can’t totally understand until you experience it. She knows how to create an energetic container that acts as the launch pad for personal growth, evolution, and transformation. 

Each session I felt like I entered a flow state as I lost track of time and felt completely immersed in our conversation and work. The loving space that Donna creates is the blueprint I needed to learn to create that space myself. This work is beautiful, challenging, emotional, and DEEP. I wouldn’t have been able to experience my own transformation without Donna’s beautiful container of energetic security and loving support. 

Kyla C 

Donna Bond, My mission and values.

#AuthenticPower #Love #IntuitiveKnowing #InnerLeadership #SpiritualLeadership #ExecutiveCoaching #EmotionalIntelligence #SpiritualIntelligence #MyMission #MyValues #HigherHumanIntegration ™